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jennifer rebecca


embracing. encouraging. empowering.
drishti madhu sunset
drishti madhu rainbow
meditation balance

Meditation is clearing the mind of everything.  I like to call it giving the mind a break.  There are many ways to meditate and many 

different styles.  Sometimes it's simply repeating one word or focusing on your breath, other times the process is guided.


Meditation can involve music or can be done in complete silence.  I also like to burn incense or some aromatherapy oils, this adds an element of calmness to the practice.  I have often heard people say they can not sit for that long or their mind wonders, and I say "Yes, that's why they call it practice".  Any time you start something it takes practice and controlling your thoughts takes time and patience with yourself.


When you make meditation a part of your day you become strong and wisdom sneaks in concerning what is really important in your life.  Your soul is nourished and your spirit is awakened.  

"The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind"


 Dr. Wayne Dyer

Meditation offerings~  

60 minutes $50

90 minutes $75

120 minutes $100


Design your time: Foot soak, foot massage, hand massage, hand waxing, personal meditation, guided meditation, goddess ritual, and spiritual coaching.


Each custom made to your pleasure and will include herbal tea, a light snack and aromatherapy oils or incense.  

to view my events click here or visit my blog "platinum energy"

I wasn't sure what to expect but I knew I would enjoy myself. I spent a cold morning with Jennifer hoping to relax, be able to mediate, and set my intention for the new year. When I left three hours later, I felt like there was nothing that could stop me from reaching my goals this year. Jen greeted me with a welcoming smile, a warm hug, and a hot cup of tea. After a few minutes of girl talk, she set me up in a corner of her home with soft sunlight flooding in, a coloring book & pencils, and my feet in a hot, oil infused bath. She talked to me about my dreams and aspirations while she gave me an amazing foot rub. We comfortably transitioned to a guided meditation with musical bowls and performed an awesome "letting go" ritual on her deck to wrap up our meditation. She served me a delicious lunch that included lots of smiles and an exchange of energy to set this world on fire. Really, it was that awesome! I went through the rest of my day with a long to-do list but I did not feel hurried or overwhelmed. I knew I would get it all done and it was fine. I left feeling calm, loved, and nourished.


If you are looking for something extra special to get your personal energy back on track, or would like to give someone a gift, you need to call Jen and spend some time with her in her home that is a really special, sacred space. I can't wait to go back and meditate with other women and I know I will do her weekend retreats. You don't need Napa or Calistoga, you can relax and rejuvenate right here in Auburn, CA. Thanks Jen, your gifts are priceless.

Kathy partak

I had my first meditation experience at this great little retreat in Auburn. Driving out to the retreat was peaceful all on its own while I enjoyed the country road that took me out there.

Life is loud and fast paced so I was feeling like I needed to learn how to quiet everything down. Jennifer Smith Taggard provided me with a sweet little sanctuary experience. The class was interesting and I learned some new techniques that I will definitely be using in the future. I'd say it was not a hardcore meditation class so that made a new experience feel even more comfortable. Jennifer encouraged us to make this into whatever experience we felt comfortable with. (another thing I liked)

I was actually able to drift into a meditative state without falling asleep. After we got a chance to journal our experiences, which I thought was also really nice touch! 

Check it out!


Jessa Peroddy


jennifer rebecca
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​© 2016 jennifer rebecca created by jen azevedo

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